9.2 - Admin Enforcement Remedies

Federal Authority:

Social Security Act

§452(k) and (l) Duties of the Secretary

§454(20) and (31)  State plan for child support and spousal support

§466(a)(7), (17) and (d) Requirement of statutorily prescribed procedures to improve effectiveness of child support enforcement

Code of Federal Regulations

45 CFR 302.60 Collection of past due support from Federal tax refunds 

45 CFR 302.70(a)(7) Required state laws 

45 CFR 303.72 Requests for collection of past due support by Federal refund offset

State Authority:

Wyoming Statute

Wyo. Stat. § 20-6-106(m)(iii) and (w) Powers and duties of department regarding collection of support

Wyoming Child Support Enforcement Rules

Chapter 7, Federal Offset Program

Chapter 8, Consumer Credit Reports and Reporting

Chapter 9, Financial Institution Data Match

Policy Number: 9.2

Effective Date: October 1, 2010


In order to help parents support their children financially, the Wyoming Child Support Program (CSP) relies on a wide range of enforcement tools including those enforcement remedies that require little to no “manual” intervention.  These administrative enforcement actions shall meet certain criteria.  Once the criteria for the administrative action are met, the Wyoming CSP system, POSSE, automatically certifies eligible non-custodial parents to one or more administrative enforcement programs.


The Wyoming CSP utilizes automated enforcement remedies through both federal and state programs.

Federal Programs

The following are the federal administrative enforcement remedies used by the Wyoming CSP:

Federal Tax Offset Program (TOP)

Since 1999, the federal TOP has been operated by the United States Department of Treasury Financial Management Service (FMS) in conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the federal Office of Child Support Services (OCSS).  The purpose of this program is to provide a simple and administrative mechanism to offset federal tax refunds where a non-custodial parent’s child support arrears meet the criteria listed below.  When the federal TOP began, it focused on those cases where the child support arrears were assigned to the state through public assistance cases.  The program has been expanded a number of times and now includes non-public assistance cases. 

Note:  In some instances, a custodial parent may be required to pay a $25.00 federal TOP fee.  For more information, please see 5.4 Fees – Federal Offset Fee.


In order for the Wyoming CSP to submit a non-custodial parent for the federal TOP, the following criteria shall be met:

Note:  If Wyoming is the Initiating State in an intergovernmental action, Wyoming will submit the non-custodial parent to the federal TOP.

Non-custodial Parent Notification

Non-custodial parents will receive notification of federal offset programs – tax refund and administrative payments - along with the passport denial program at least 30 days prior to submission.  Currently, Wyoming sends out its own pre-offset notices to non-custodial parents. 

Note: These letters are usually mailed in October before the next federal tax season.

Collections and Distribution

For a more detailed description of distribution, please see Chapter 14 Collection and Distribution.  Any money received through the TOP will be applied to the certified arrearages that are updated on a bi-weekly basis. Tax offsets are not applied to a current support obligation.  

Federal tax refunds are collected and distributed in the following manner:

Unless the IRS processed an Injured Spouse Allocation Form in conjunction with a tax return or the non-custodial parent and current spouse have signed an affidavit authorizing the release of the federal tax refund, the Wyoming State Disbursement Unit (SDU) shall hold a joint refund for 6 months before applying it to the past-due support to allow time for submission of an injured spouse claim.

TOP Administrative Review

A non-custodial parent may request a records review.  If such a review is requested, the case worker shall:

If the Wyoming CSP changes an arrearage amount after an administrative records review, the Wyoming CSP shall notify the  OCSS

Note: The non-custodial parent may request a review by the state submitting the certified arrears, the state with the order, or the state where the non-custodial parent lives.  If the non-custodial parent wants the review conducted by a state other than Wyoming, the Wyoming CSP will transfer the review request within 10 days, and the other state has 45 days to render a decision.  Both states will be bound by the decision.

Federal Administrative Offset Program (FAOP)

The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 authorized the administrative offset of certain federal payments.  The following federal payments may be intercepted:

Note: The Wyoming CSP utilizes income withholding for those non-custodial parents working for the federal government, including the military.  See Chapter 15 Military for more details.

In order for POSSE to automatically submit a non-custodial parent to the FAOP, the non-custodial parent must be:

Once submitted, the OCSS will work directly with the Financial Management Service (FMS) and forward any recurring or intermittent federal payments to the Wyoming CSP.  The SDU will apply the administrative offset payment to the appropriate case on POSSE.

Passport Denial

The Wyoming CSP is a “zero tolerance” state meaning a non-custodial parent shall pay off the entire arrears balance to receive a passport denied by the Secretary of State for nonpayment of child support.

In order to submit the NCP to the federal Passport Denial Program, the Wyoming CSP program shall: 

Note:  As the Responding State, Wyoming will NOT submit the non-custodial parent for passport denial.

The OCSS will transmit the certification information to the federal Secretary of State who will refuse to issue a passport to the non-custodial parent.  If the federal Secretary of State denies a non-custodial parent his or her passport, the non-custodial parent will receive a letter explaining the denial and providing contact information for the Wyoming CSP. 

The non-custodial parent will contact the Passport Denial State Liaison.  When a non-custodial parent contacts the State Child Support Office, the Passport Denial State Liaison shall:

Note:  Only the Wyoming IV-D Director may settle a passport denial dispute with a non-custodial parent for less than the entire arrears balance.

Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM)

As part of the Federal Offset Program, MSFIDM matches asset/account information from financial institutions to the non-custodial parent and order information found in the FCR.  The Wyoming Child Support Program (CSP) uses the same file used in the TOP, FAOP, and passport denial program for the MSFIDM submittal.  In order to submit a non-custodial parent for the MSFIDM match, the Wyoming CSP must:

Once received by the OCSS, the file is matched on a quarterly basis against deposit accounts of those financial institutions participating in the program.  All asset/account data is sent to the Wyoming CSP via the FCR screens.  The case worker will review the information to determine if a lien and levy against the account is appropriate as discussed in 9.6 Liens.  Finally, on a monthly basis the District CSP Office Manager will provide the State CSP Office with MSFIDM levy and collection information for the month.

Insurance Matching

The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 amended the Social Security Act to allow insurance companies to share claim, settlement, and award information from civil lawsuits with the federal OCSS.  The Wyoming CSP uses the same file used with the other federal programs for submittal.  

Once received by the federal OCSS, the file is matched against the information received from the insurance companies.  All insurance match information is sent to the Wyoming CSP via the POSSE Asset screen.  The case worker will review the information to determine if a lien and levy is appropriate as discussed in 9.6 Liens or a wage withholding is appropriate as referenced in 9.9 Wage Withholding.

IRS Full Collection

The Wyoming CSP may request assistance from the IRS to enforce a child support order.  This enforcement remedy should only be used when all other enforcement remedies are exhausted and is rarely, if ever used, by the Wyoming CSP.  If a District CSP Offices decides to use this enforcement method, the criteria for IRS Full Collection include:

Wyoming Automated Remedies

In addition to the federal administrative remedies, the Wyoming CSP utilizes the following automated enforcement remedies:

Credit Bureau Reporting

As required by federal law, on a monthly basis, the Wyoming CSP submits non-custodial parent arrears information to the credit bureaus.  The status of the non-custodial parent’s account may be:


In order to report a non-custodial parent to a credit bureau as an initial submission, the Wyoming CSP must:

Note:  As the Responding State, Wyoming will submit the non-custodial parent to the credit bureau.

Non-custodial Parent Notification

Prior to submitting a non-custodial parent to the credit bureau, the Wyoming CSP will send an advance notice of credit bureau submission to the non-custodial parent.  This notice will explain the submission criteria and process along with information to dispute the submission.


POSSE will initially submit a non-custodial parent to the credit bureau if:

Once an obligation for the non-custodial parent is sent to the credit bureau, the obligation will be sent on a monthly basis for the duration of the obligation and may be submitted to the credit bureau for up to 7 years after the date the last child emancipates unless the obligation is otherwise deleted.


The non-custodial parent may dispute a credit bureau submission at two points in the process – prior to submission and after submission.

If the non-custodial parent disagrees with the arrears amount in the advance notice, the non-custodial parent may contact the District CSP Office to dispute the submission.  In this case the case worker will:

If the arrears are less than $1,000.00, the non-custodial parent will not be submitted for initial credit bureau reporting; however, if the arrears exceed $1,000.00, the non-custodial parent will be submitted for initial reporting unless the credit bureau suppression is marked as discussed in the Enforcement Suppression section below. 

If the non-custodial parent is submitted to the credit bureau and then disputes the submission, the dispute request is sent to the State CSP Office by the credit bureau.  The appropriate State CSP Office designee will:

Note:  After the initial submission to the credit bureau a non-custodial parent is submitted regardless of the amount of arrearages; however, the status (e.g. current – account good standing, account 30 days past due, etc.) of the submission may change.

Financial Institution Data Match (FIDM)

Based upon the PRWORA, each state is required to develop and operate an in-state FIDM program similar to the MSFIDM program conducted by the OCSS.  

The State CSP Office will enter into agreements with Wyoming financial institutions to match account/asset information on a quarterly basis to non-custodial parents with past-due support in excess of $25.00.  All matched asset/account data shows up on POSSE via the FCR screens.  The case worker will review the information to determine if a lien and levy against the account is appropriate as discussed in 9.6 Liens.

Unclaimed Properties

On a quarterly basis, the Wyoming CSP matches files of delinquent non-custodial parents against those Wyoming citizens with funds held by the Wyoming Unclaimed Property Division.  If there is a complete match with both name and social security number, the funds are intercepted by the Wyoming CSP and applied to the non-custodial parent’s child support debt(s) by the SDU.  If there is a partial match (e.g. Robert instead of Bob), then the District CSP Manager receives a partial match report from the State CSP Office.  At that point, the information shall be researched to determine if there is an actual match before intercepting the funds.

Enforcement Suppressions

Under certain circumstances, any of the above-listed administrative enforcement remedies may be suppressed along with other enforcement tools.  The POSSE enforcement suppressions are:

 In order to suppress an enforcement option for a non-custodial parent, the caseworker will mark the appropriate enforcement action on POSSE and enter an end date.

Note:  Each action shall be suppressed separately, and if a non-custodial parent has more than one child support case, the suppressions shall be marked on each child support case on POSSE for the suppression to take effect.

Cross Reference


Version Number: 2

Last Revised DateOctober 1, 2015

Last Reviewed:  October 1, 2015