11.3.2 Responding Establishment

Federal Authority:

Social Security Act

§452(a)(11) - Duties of the Secretary

§454(9)(a) - State plan for child support and spousal support

§466 (f) and (d) - Requirement of statutorily prescribed procedures to improve effectiveness of child support enforcement

Code of Federal Regulations

45 CFR 302.36 - Provision of services in in intergovernmental and intragovernmental IV-D cases

45 CFR 303.7 - Provision of services in intergovernmental IV-D cases 

State Authority:

Wyoming Statute

Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-142 - Basis for jurisdiction over nonresident 

Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-155 - Duties and powers of responding tribunal 

Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-157 - Duties support enforcement agency

Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-170 - Petition to establish a support order

Wyoming Child Support Enforcement Rules

Chapter 4 - General Services

Chapter 16 - Services in Intergovernmental Cases

Policy Number:  11.3.2

Effective Date:  July 1, 2015


The Wyoming Child Support Program (CSP) is required to provide the same IV-D services for incoming intergovernmental cases as it does for intrastate cases.  When the Wyoming Central Registry receives an intergovernmental case, the Central Registry reviews the packet for specific federal forms and forwards it to the appropriate District CSP Office for action.


Because intergovernmental cases are handled the same as in-state cases, case workers will follow policy established in other chapters within the Wyoming Policy Manual.


When a District CSP Office receives a request from another state to establish paternity, the case worker shall:

In most instances, a request to establish paternity is accompanied by a request to establish child and medical support as described below.  


When a District CSP Office receives a request from another state to establish child and medical support, the case worker will:

Cross Reference

Appendix 11.C – Intergovernmental Forms

Version Number: 2

Last Revised Date:  July 1, 2015

Last Reviewed Date:  June 4, 2024