5.3 - Court Fees
Federal Authority:
State Authority:
Wyoming Statute
Wyo. Stat. § 5-2-120 - Judicial systems automation account created; purpose
Wyo. Stat. § 5-2-121 - Indigent civil legal services account created; purpose
Wyo. Stat. § 5-3-206 - Fees
Rules for Fees and Costs for District Court
Rule 5 - Civil Fees
Policy Number: 5.3
Effective Date: October 1, 2010
In 2000, the Wyoming legislature created an account, the Judicial Systems Automation Account, to be used by the Wyoming Supreme Court for a court automation system to enhance the communication and management of records by the judicial branch. At the same time that the legislature created the Judicial Systems Automation Account, it also modified or added language throughout existing statutes to add a court automation fee in addition to any other filing fees.
In 2010, the Wyoming legislature created an Indigent Civil Legal Services Account. The Wyoming Supreme Court uses this money to operate a statewide program to provide civil legal services to indigent citizens within Wyoming.
For purposes of the Wyoming CSP the court automation fee and the indigent civil legal services fee are required in all new actions (e.g. establishment of paternity and/or support) and any action after a final decree is entered (e.g. modification of child support).
Depending upon the agreement between the Clerk of District Court and the District CSP Office, the District CSP Office shall either submit a check to cover the court automation fee, the indigent civil legal services fee, and filing fees to the Clerk of District Court with each filing for establishment of child support and/or paternity or modification of child support to the appropriate, or the Clerk of District Court will invoice the District CSP Office at the end of each month for the total amount due.
In either event, each check or invoice shall, at a minimum, contain the POSSE case number, the parties' last names, the type of action (e.g. establishment, paternity, registration of foreign support order, foster care, modification), and civil action number, if available.
Cross Reference
Version Number: 3
Last Revised Date: March 27, 2017
Last Reviewed Date: March 31, 2023