8.G IV-D PEP Procedures

Appendix 8.G – IV-D PEP Procedures


The purpose of this internal audit of existing and future cases is to ensure the accuracy of paternity establishment information entered on POSSE for children in IV-D cases.  The process will determine whether the correct method of paternity establishment is noted on POSSE and that proper documentation is in the case file to support the paternity establishment method chosen.

Cases excluded from the audit include:


1. Obtain a Paternity Matrix form for each child on the case.  See Appendix 8.I – IV-D PEP Paternity Matrix

2. On the Paternity Matrix, enter the Child’s name and POSSE number. 

Child’s Name: _________________________________________

POSSE #: _______________

3. On the Case Maintenance screen GOTO the CP-NCP Relationship Pop-up to verify the relationship. Enter the CP-NCP Relationship field based on information in the file. 

4. Enter the CP-NCP Relationship on the Paternity matrix.

CP/NCP Relationship: _______________________________________________

5. Review the file for the child’s birth certificate or birth verification. On the Paternity Matrix, indicate by checking either Yes or No if the birth certificate is in the file. 

Birth Certificate in file: Yes  ________ No ______

Born of the Marriage

1. Review the file for documentation to determine if the child was born of a marriage. It’s important you research beyond the case you are currently in.  For examples and guidance see Appendix 8.H – IV-D PEP Q & A.

2. From information available in the case file, note the date of marriage, the date of divorce and the child’s date of birth on the Paternity Matrix. 

A.) Born of the Marriage 

Date of Marriage: ___________    Date of Divorce:  ______________   Date of Birth:  _____________

(If child is born within 300 days of a WY divorce order file date, then a copy of Statute 14-2-504 shall be placed in file.)

3. Place a tag on the outside edge of the documents used to verify the child was born of a marriage.  To determine what documents are acceptable for verification Appendix 8.H – IV-D PEP Q & A.

4. From the Case Maintenance screen GOTO Case Kid List; double-click on the first child on the list.   GOTO Kid Person Record.

5. Verify the Born-Out-of-Wedlock indicator is blank.  Complete the child’s place of birth in the Other pop-up. 

6. GO BACK to the Case Kid Maintenance Screen.

7. Review the Case Kid Maintenance screen to verify the following items match documentation in the case file:

8. If all necessary documents proving the child is born of the marriage are in the file, check Yes for Audit Complete. Sign and date the Paternity Matrix. Give to your designated supervisor for verification.

Audit Complete: Yes _____ No _____




__________________________________________                                                         _______________________

Caseworker                                                                                                                Date of Verification

9. Follow this process for all kids listed on Case Kid List.

10. If you are missing any items that prove the child is born of a marriage, document any action taken to obtain missing information with detailed case notes. You can also note details in the Comments section of the Paternity matrix.  If contact was made with another person or agency, please note the following:

11. Once all necessary documents proving the child is born of a marriage are in the file, check Yes for Audit Complete. Sign and date the Paternity Matrix. Give to your designated supervisor for verification.

Born Out of Wedlock

1. Review the 543 or other applicable documentation to determine whether the child was born-out-of-wedlock.  It’s important you research beyond the case you are currently in.  For examples and guidance see Appendix 8.H – IV-D PEP Q & A.

2. From the Case Maintenance screen GOTO Case Kid List; double-click on the first child on the list.   GOTO Kid Person Record.

3. Verify the Born Out-Of-Wedlock indicator is checked.  Complete the child’s place of birth in the Other pop-up. 

4. On the Paternity Matrix in the BOOW section, check either Yes or No that the BOOW Box is checked on the Person Maintenance screen.

5. Fill in the child’s date of birth. 

6. Check either Yes or No if the Paternity Affidavit is in the case file.

a. If yes, place a tag on the outside edge of the document so it will be visible to the auditor.

b. If no, a copy may be requested from the CP.  If the child was born in Wyoming, a copy may be requested from the State Office.

B.) Born out of Wedlock (BOOW):   BOOW Box Checked:  Yes _____ No _____

Date of Birth: ____________________________  Paternity Affidavit in file:  Yes _____ No _____

7. GO BACK to the Case Kid Maintenance Screen.

8. Review information in the case file to determine the paternity establishment method. This is the most critical part of the data reliability audit process. Information in the file needs to support the indicators and methods that are marked in POSSE and the Paternity Matrix.  The documents used to choose your method shall be flagged.  For help in choosing the correct paternity establishment method and the supporting documentation see Appendix 8.H – IV-D PEP Q & A.

9. Review the Case Kid Maintenance screen to verify the following fields match documentation in the case file:

10. Enter the Establishment Method, Date and State on the Paternity Matrix.

Establishment Method: 

        _____ Adjudicated        _____ Excluded  

        _____ Adoption

        _____ Presumed

         _____ Voluntary

Establishment Date: __________    Establishment State: ______________________________

11. If all necessary documents proving the child is born out of wedlock are in the file, check Yes for Audit Complete. Sign and date the Paternity Matrix. Give to your designated supervisor for verification.

Audit Complete: Yes _____ No _____




__________________________________________                                                         _______________________

Caseworker                                                                                                                Date of Verification

12. Follow this process for all kids listed on Case Kid List.

13. If you are missing any items that prove the child is born out of wedlock, document any action taken to obtain missing information with detailed case notes. You can also note details in the Comments section of the Paternity matrix.  If contact was made with another person or agency, please note the following:

14. Once all necessary documents proving the child is born out of wedlock are in the file, check Yes for Audit Complete. Sign and date the Paternity Matrix. Give to your designated supervisor for verification.


1. District Manager/Supervisor will review the file for correct documentation to support the establishment method chosen.   They will also ensure that documentation is flagged and matches the information on POSSE and the Paternity Matrix.

2. District Manager/Supervisor will enter today’s date in the Date Paternity Verified box on the Case Kid Maintenance screen. Once this field is populated the paternity establishment information cannot be changed. The following fields will be protected so that no changes can be made:

In addition, the BOOW indicator on the Person Maintenance screen will also be protected.

3. District Manager/Supervisor will enter a case activity log that the audit has been completed, initial and date the Paternity Matrix.

Audit Complete: Yes _____ No _____  Initials: ________  Date: _______________