6.C - Medicaid Subtypes & Child Support Cooperation
Appendix 6.C - Medicaid Subtypes & Child Support Cooperation
Appendix 6.C - Medicaid Subtypes & Child Support Cooperation
If a Medicaid recipient receiving Medicaid that requires cooperation with child support is not cooperating with the Wyoming CSP, the case worker may e-mail Heather Gifford (heather.gifford@wyo.gov) and request assistance with the custodial parent The e-mail should contain the following information:
WES Case Number
Customer’s Name; and
The information needed to proceed with child support enforcement.
The custodial parent is required to cooperate when the Medicaid Program is:
Family Care,
Family Care MAGI,
Qualified Pregnant Woman after the birth of the child, or
Qualified Pregnant Woman MAGI after the birth of the child.
Cross Reference
Version Number: 3
Last Revised Date: March 27, 2017
Last Reviewed: