13.6 Support Termination

Federal Authority:

Social Security Act

Part E - Federal Payments for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance

State Authority:

Wyoming Statute

Wyo. Stat. § 14-1-101 - Age of majority; rights on emancipation

Wyo. Stat. § 14-1-201 - Definitions

Wyo. Stat. § 14-1-203 - Application for emancipation decree; hearing; notice, rights and liabilities of emancipated minor; conditions for issuance of decree; filing decree; copy to applicant

Wyo. Stat. § 14-2-204 -  Liability for support; right of action; venue; service; measure of recovery; remedies cumulative; execution; continuing exclusive jurisdiction; notice

Wyo. Stat. § 14-2-317 - Effect of order of termination

Wyo. Stat. § 14-3-431 - Duration of orders of disposition; termination of orders; permanency hearings; petition for termination of parental rights

Wyo. Stat. § 14-6-231 - Release of child from institution; duration of orders of disposition; termination of orders

Wyo. Stat. § 14-6-431 - Duration of orders of disposition; termination of orders

Policy Number: 13.6

Effective Date: October 1, 2010 


The Wyoming Child Support Program (CSP) When a child is in out-of-home placement and in the custody of the Department of Family Services (DFS), DFS will provide shelter until the child is reunited with his or her family, adopted, placed in another permanent home, or emancipates.  Once one of these alternatives occurs, the parental contribution ends.   The Wyoming CSP Program will assess the case for further action based upon the reason the parental contribution ended or any specific guidance in a court order for future enforcement of child support arrears.  


Suspending Support

Out-of-Home Placement Ends

The parental obligation is suspended when the child returns to the family even if DFS continues to have legal custody of the child or if the child is placed with a guardian whether paid or unpaid.  Depending upon the District Court, the District CSP Office will:

Redirection of Child Support

When a child leaves DFS care and custody and DFS notifies the District CSP Office, the case worker will redirect the parental contribution on the POSSE foster care case back to the original Mother vs. Father POSSE case by having the District CSP Office Attorney sign an affidavit or notice terminating the Affidavit of Redirection.

Note:  Child support or the parental contribution does not accrue when a child is no longer in the physical custody of DFS even if the child is still in legal custody as long as DFS is not expending money.  This includes unpaid relative placement or paid subsidies for guardians except if the relative or guardian applies for services as discussed in Chapter 6 Intake.

Terminating Support

Unless terminated by court order, the parental obligation ends as discussed below.

Termination of Parental Rights

When the rights of a parent are relinquished or terminated, child support only ends if: 


If a child in DFS custody is adopted, the parental obligations for both the mother and father end as of the date of the adoption.

Note: If the termination of support order or adoption decree is silent regarding child support arrears, the child support arrears that accrued based upon the child support order are still due and owing, and the Wyoming CSP Program will enforce them as appropriate under federal and state law as discussed in Chapter 9 Enforcement.

Age of Majority

In Wyoming, a child reaches the age of majority at 18 years or can emancipate earlier under certain circumstances described in 12.3 Closure – Termination of Support; however, if a child is in state custody and remains in out-of-home placement after the age of majority, the parental obligation to support the child continues until the child leaves out-of-home placement or reaches the age of 21.

End-Dating Children

The District CSP Office will end-date a child in POSSE that stops the parental obligation when:

If the child leaves placement before the 15th of the month, the District CSP Office will use the end of the previous month as the end date.  If the child leaves placement on or after the 15th of the month, the District CSP Office will use the last day of that month as the end date.  

Reinstating Support

Under certain circumstances, a child may return to out-of-home placement and the care of DFS.  When this occurs and a parental obligation order has already been established, the District CSP Office may reinstate the parental contribution by filing a motion to reinstate the parental contribution; however, some District Courts limit the amount of time between placements and may require that the District CSP Office establish a new parental contribution.  Therefore, the case worker will discuss each reinstatement situation with the District CSP Office Attorney before proceeding.

Cross Reference


Version Number: 2

Last Revised Date: July 1, 2014

Last Reviewed Date: