19.1 - Introducton

Federal Authority:

Social Security Act

§454(7), (19), (20), (33), and (d) - State plan for child and spousal support

§466(a)(5), (16), and (d) - Requirement of statutorily prescribed procedures to improve effectiveness of child support enforcement 

Code of Federal Regulations

45 CFR 302.34 - Cooperative arrangements

45 CFR 302.36 - Provision for services in intergovernmental and intergovernmental IV-D cases

Wyoming Statute

Wyo. Stat. § 20-6-112 - Professional, occupational, or recreational license suspension; nonpayment of child support; notice and hearing

Wyo. Stat. § 23-1-302 - Powers and duties

Policy Number: 19.1

Effective Date: October 1, 2010


In order to effectively promote and manage the Wyoming CSP,  the Department of Family Services (DFS), Child Support Program Division (CSPD), develops and maintains close working relationships with other agencies within Wyoming.  


The following provides an alphabetical list of Wyoming agencies and partners that work with the Wyoming CSP to establish paternity, establish child and medical support orders, and enforce child support obligations.  Where available, a fully executed version of the agreement is provided in an appendix.

Note:  All MOUs with original signatures are on file at the State CSP Office.

Clerk of District Court

The CSPD and each of the 23 Clerks of District Court enter into an agreement every two years that delineates the responsibilities of the Clerk of District Court and CSPD.  Some of the responsibilities of the Clerks of District Court include: waiving the payment of filing fees except those required by the Wyoming Supreme Court for court automation and indigent civil legal services (See 5.3 Fees – Court Fees); using POSSE; providing customer service; updating the District Court as requested; cooperating with the State CSP Office and District CSP Offices to meet federal requirements within the IV-D Child Support Program; ensuring all staff complete confidentiality and conflict of interest forms when appropriate; and covering all personnel handling money with a fidelity insurance bond. 

Eastern Shoshone Child Support Program

The Wyoming CSP and the Eastern Shoshone Child Support Program (ESCSP) have entered into two separate MOUs.  The first agreement provides the ESCSP with read-only access to the Wyoming CSP’s computer system, POSSE.  The second MOU allows ESCSP to utilize the federal tax intercept program through the Wyoming CSP.  See Appendix 19.B – ESCSP POSSE Access MOU and Appendix 19.C – ESCSP Federal Tax Intercept MOU.  Additionally, the ESCSP will also follow the jurisdictional process and procedures. For more information about the ESCSP, please see Chapter 16 Tribal IV-D.

Game and Fish Commission

The Wyoming CSP and the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission (WFGC) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) whereby the WGFC will match a list of non-custodial parents with child support arrears against a list of those individuals with hunting privileges obtained through the random license draw.  POSSE provides an alert for the case worker when a match is identified, and the case worker will review the case and may proceed with license suspension as described in 9.7 Enforcement – License Suspension.  

Health Care Financing Division 

The Health Care Financing (HCF) Division and the CSPD agreed to share medical support information including third party liability (TPL) data.  

Northern Arapaho Child Support Program

The Wyoming CSP and the Northern Arapaho Child Support Program (NACSP) have entered into two separate MOUs.  The first agreement outlines procedures and processes to provide child support services to persons subject to the jurisdiction of the Shoshone and Arapaho Tribal Court.  The second MOU provides the NACSP with read-only access to the Wyoming CSP’s computer system, POSSE.  For more information about the NACSP, please see Chapter 16 Tribal IV-D.

Note:  The Eastern Shoshone Child Support Program will follow the NACSP Procedure and Process MOU.

Unemployment Insurance Division

In this most recent MOU with the Department of Employment, Unemployment Insurance Division (UID) and the CSPD, UID will provide CSPD with information about non-custodial parents receiving unemployment insurance benefits and withhold unemployment insurance benefits as directed by CSPD.  

Vital Records Services

The Wyoming CSP entered into an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Health, Vital Records Services.  Vital Records Services will provide birth information to CSPD, and CSPD will pay for certified copies of birth certificates and paternity affidavits.  

Unclaimed Properties

Based upon a data exchange without a MOU, Unclaimed Properties sends a file of claimant information to the DFS mainframe on a quarterly basis.  A POSSE process retrieves this file and matches it against POSSE to determine if any of the unclaimed property owners are delinquent non-custodial parents.  A report is generated showing non-custodial parents with unclaimed property.  This report is sent to Unclaimed Property to determine how much of the unclaimed property will be sent to the Wyoming CSP.  Unclaimed Property sends a check and a list showing the amount of money to be distributed to each non-custodial parent.  Upon receipt of the check and list, the appropriate State CSP Office staff member reviews the list to ensure the information on the list balances with the check.  Once reviewed, the list and check are sent to the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) for entry to POSSE and distribution.

Workers’ Safety and Compensation Division

Through a MOU with the Wyoming Department of Employment, Workers’ Safety and Compensation Division (WSCD), the WSCD compares a list of non-custodial parents with child support arrears with current open WSCD cases.  When the Wyoming CSP receives a list of those non-custodial parents with open WSCD cases, the District CSP Office will review the case and send a notice to payor as illustrated in 9.9 Enforcement – Wage Withholding to WSCD.  

Department of Workforce Services

In the MOU between CSPD and the Department of Workforce Services (DWS), CSPD agreed to review its State Directory of New Hires for social security numbers of DWS clients.  All matches are shared with DWS.  

Cross Reference


Version Number:  2

Last Revised Date: July 1, 2014

Last Reviewed Date: