11.F PEP Data Reliability Review
Appendix 11.F - PEP Data Reliability Review
The data used to calculate the Paternity Establishment Percentage (PEP) shall be current, complete and accurate in order for the program to pass federal audits and receive federal funds necessary to operate. This initial data reliability review will focus on adjudicated cases; however, everyone shall be familiar with all aspects of the Case Kid Maintenance and Other Pop-Up screens, how to update the screens appropriately, and the significance of the information.
1) Pull the physical file.
2) On Case Maintenance screen GOTO the “CP/NCP Rel Pop-up.”
Update the CP Relationship to NCP field based on information reported on the DFS Form 543. Choices for the “CP Relationship to NCP” field are.
Agency Provided – Foster Care
Caretaker – Legally appointed guardian
Divorced – Divorce decree or if divorce date listed on the 543
Married – Marriage certificate or if date listed on the 543
Never Married
Other Relative
Complete as many of the other fields as you can based on the information available in the file.
3) From Case Maintenance GOTO “Person Maintenance for CP.”
Under the “Other” Pop-up update the city, county and state of birth based on the information available in the file.
NOTE: If the child’s birth verification or birth certificate is in the file, you should be able to fill in at least the state of CP’s birth along with the mother’s maiden name even though you may not have any other information on the CP.
4) From Case Maintenance GOTO “Person Maintenance for NCP.”
Under the “Other” Pop-up update the city, county and state of birth based on the information available in the file.
NOTE: The NCP’s information regarding his/her birth may be on the DFS Form 543.
5) From Case Maintenance GOTO the “Case Kid List.”
Click on the “Child.”
Review Paternity Status (Established, Excluded, Unknown).
1. Established – child born of marriage, court order, paternity affidavit, legally adopted.
2. Excluded – genetic testing or another man has been determined to be legal father of the child (see Establishment methods).
3. Unknown – Paternity has not been established.
(See Appendix 8.G – IV-D PEP Procedures for further guidance in choosing the correct status.)
Review Paternity Establishment Method, Date and State of Establishment
1) Adjudicated – court order – date order filed1 with the Clerk of District Court
2) Adoption – adoption decree – date adoption order filed with the Clerk of District Court
3) Default – do not use this method, a true default will have an order so the method chosen should be Adjudicated
4) Presumed – born of marriage – date of child’s date of birth
5) Voluntary – WY paternity affidavit – effective July 1, 2003, date of child’s birth or date paternity affidavit filed with vital records, whichever occurs later.
(See Appendix 8.G – IVD PEP Procedures for further guidance in choosing the correct status.)
6) From Case Kid Maintenance GOTO “Kid Person Record.”
Other Pop-up (City, County, State of birth)
The child’s place of birth can be found either on the 543 or on the birth verification. Put in as much information as you have available to you in the physical file.
BOOW indicator
7) Follow this process for each child listed on the case.
8) From the Case Maintenance screen GOTO “Activity Log Maintenance.”
Enter a case activity note.
The case activity note title should read, “Data Reliability Review.”
The log note should state: “Put in CP/NCP rel,” places of birth for all parties. Reviewed establishment method, date and state.”
1Remember, even if the genetic testing results indicate that the alleged father is the biological father, POSSE should not be updated until a judge signs a court order showing the alleged father as the biological father.
Version Number: 2
Last Revised Date: July 1, 2015
Last Reviewed Date: July 1, 2015