15.F Military Contracts for Service of Process

Appendix 15.F – Military Contacts for Service of Process 


The following contacts in the military will facilitate service of process:

Air Force


1420 Air Force Pentagon

Washington, DC 20330-1420

Phone: (703) 697-0413


Office of the Judge Advocate General

Attention: DAJA-LA

2200 Army Pentagon

Washington, DC 20310

Phone: (703) 588-6708

Coast Guard

For Coast Guard military personnel:

Commanding Officer (LGL)

U.S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center

444 SE Quincy Street

Topeka, KS 66683-3591

Phone: (785) 339-3592 or 3595 (for questions)

Fax: (785) 339-3788

Email: PPC-DG-LGL@uscg.mil

For Coast Guard civilian personnel:

National Finance Center

Pay Tech Section Post D-41

13800 Old Gentilly Road

New Orleans, LA 70129

Marine Corps

Legal Assistance

1555 South Gate Road, Building 29, Room 301

Arlington, VA 22214

Phone: (703) 614-1266

Legal Assistance Headquarters, Marine Corps Base

Quantico, VA

Phone: (703)-784-3122

Website: http://www.quantico.usmc.mil/activities/?Section=Leg


Office of the Judge Advocate General (Code 16)

Washington Navy Yard

1322 Patterson Avenue, SE, Suite 3000

Washington, DC 20374-5066

(202) 685-4637