11.3.3 Responding Enforcement
Federal Authority:
Social Security Act
§452(a)(11) Duties of the Secretary
§454(9) and (20) State plan for child support and spousal support
§466(f) and (d) Requirement of statutorily prescribed procedures to improve effectiveness of child support enforcement
Code of Federal Regulations
45 CFR 302.36 Provision of services in in intergovernmental and intragovernmental IV-D cases
45 CFR 303.7 Provision of services in intergovernmental IV-D cases
State Authority:
Wyoming Statue
Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-155 Duties and powers of responding tribunal
Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-157 Duties support enforcement agency
Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-173 Registration of order for enforcement
Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-174 Procedure to register order for enforcement
Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-175 Effect of registration for enforcement
Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-176 Choice of law
Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-177 Notice of registration of order
Wyoming Child Support Enforcement Rules
Chapter 4 General Services
Chapter 16 Services in Intergovernmental Cases
Policy Numbers: 11.3.3
Effective Date: July 1, 2015
The Wyoming Child Support Program (CSP) is required to provide the same IV-D services for incoming intergovernmental cases as it does for intrastate cases. For this reason, the District CSP Office will follow policy established in Chapter 9 Enforcement.
When a District CSP Office receives a request from another state to enforce a child support order, there are 3 possible alternatives for enforcement based upon the situation:
1) Enforcing a Wyoming order;
2) Registering and enforcing another state’s order; or
3) Registering multiple orders for a determination of controlling order, arrears calculation, and enforcement of the controlling order.
NOTE: Many states charge interest in child support cases. If another state requests enforcement of a child support order and includes interest as part of the total arrears balance, the District CSP Office will enforce the total arrears balance including any interest accrued.
Wyoming Order
If the Initiating State requests enforcement of a Wyoming order, the case worker will review the case for appropriate enforcement action as discussed in Chapter 9 - Enforcement and update the Initiating State as required by the timeframes discussed in 11.1 – Intergovernmental Introduction and as appropriate for CSENet or non-CSENet states.
Another State’s Order
If the request from the Initiating State is to register and enforce another’s states order for enforcement, the case worker will:
Ensure the intergovernmental packet includes all of the documents needed to register the order with the District Court and enforce the order as listed in Appendix 11.C – Intergovernmental Forms;
File the intergovernmental packet with the Clerk of District Court;
Proceed with the enforcement action according to Chapter - 9 Enforcement after the order is registered; and
Monitor the intergovernmental case within the timeframes noted in 11.1 – Intergovernmental Introduction and as appropriate for CSENet or non-CSENet states.
Multiple Orders
If the request from the Initiating State is to register multiple orders and request a determination of controlling order prior to enforcement , the case worker will:
Ensure the intergovernmental packet includes all of the documents (Appendix 11.C – Intergovernmental Forms) needed to make a determination of controlling order (DCO) described in Appendix 11.A – Determination of Controlling Order;
File the intergovernmental packet with the Clerk of District Court and request a DCO and arrears calculation as shown in Appendix 11.D – Arrears Calculation;
Proceed with the enforcement action according to Chapter 9 Enforcement after the DCO and the controlling order are registered; and
Monitor the intergovernmental case within the timeframes noted in 11.1 – Intergovernmental Introduction and as appropriate for CSENet or non-CSENet states.
Cross Reference
Appendix 11.A – Determination of Controlling Order
Version Number: 2
Last Revised Date: July 1, 2015
Last Reviewed Date: June 5, 2024