11.3.1 Responding Central Registry

Federal Authority:

Social Security Act

§452(a)(11) - Duties of the Secretary

§454(9), (20) and (32)(c) - State plan for child support and spousal support

§466(f) and (d) - Requirement of statutorily prescribed procedures to improve effectiveness of child support enforcement

Code of Federal Regulations

45 CFR 302.36 - Provision of services in in intergovernmental and intragovernmental IV-D cases

45 CFR 303.2  - Establishment of cases and maintenance of case records 

45 CFR 303.7 - Provision of services in intergovernmental IV-D cases 

State Authority:

Wyoming Statute

Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-155 - Duties and powers of responding tribunal 

Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-157 - Duties support enforcement agency 

Wyo. Stat. § 20-4-170 - Petition to establish a support order

Wyoming Child Support Enforcement Rules

Chapter 4 - General Services

Chapter 16 - Services in Intergovernmental Cases

Policy Number:  11.3.1

Effective Date:  July 1, 2015


Each IV-D agency shall have a Central Registry.  The purpose of the registry is to process intergovernmental cases, provide case information, and respond to requests from other states.  In Wyoming, the Central Registry is maintained by staff in the State Child Support Program (CSP) Office.  


The Wyoming Central Registry receives all incoming intergovernmental requests either electronically through the Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet) or hard copies of the federally mandated intergovernmental forms.  (See Appendix 11.C – Intergovernmental Forms)  

Central Registry Responsibilities

The following are the responsibilities of the Wyoming Central Registry. 

Full Service Referral

When an intergovernmental request is received either via CSENet or hard copy, the Central Registry will:

NOTE:  The Central Registry will follow the paternity data reliability guidelines described in Appendix 11.F – PEP Data Reliability Review

 NOTE:  If the Initiating State provides the custodial parent’s address, the address will be entered on POSSE.  However, if an Order for Non-Disclosure accompanies the intergovernmental request, the Family Violence Indicator will be marked by the designated supervisor in the District CSP Office as described in  20.3 Family Violence Indicator.

International Cases

In addition to the two-state description above, the Central Registry will suspend the $35 annual fee  required by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (See 5.5 Fees – Annual Fee (Deficit Reduction Act of 2005)) based upon § 454(32)(c) of the Social Security Act which indicates “no costs will be assessed for such services against, the foreign reciprocating country or foreign obligee….”

Locate-Only Requests

See 7.2 Locate – State Parent Locator Services for policy regarding locate-only requests.

Limited Services

When another state requests limited services from Wyoming (e.g. redirection of child support to the other state’s state disbursement unit), the Wyoming Central Registry will create a Non-IV-D Responding POSSE case by transferring the child from the existing Wyoming case to the Non-IV-D Responding POSSE case.  

If the underlying Wyoming case is Non-IV-D, the intergovernmental request is forwarded to the appropriate Clerk of District Court.  On the other hand, if the underlying case is IV-D, the limited services request is forwarded to the District CSP Office.

If the same state that initially requested a Non-IVD “Request for a Redirection of Payments Only” requests enforcement of the Wyoming child support order, the Central Registry will: 

The Wyoming Central Registry will take all actions within 20 days of receipt of the initial request.

Other examples of limited services include liens and levies, genetic testing, service of process, proof of income, interrogatories, or obtaining a signature.

WCSP Addresses

The Central Registry will:

Status Requests

According to federal regulations, the District Office shall respond within 5 working days to a status request.  Depending upon the Initiating State’s participation with CSENet, the District Office will either respond via CSENet or a hard copy of Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #2 – Subsequent Actions as described in Appendix 11.C – Intergovernmental Forms.


In addition to those responsibilities required by federal regulation, the Wyoming Central Registry also:

Cross Reference

Appendix 11.C – Intergovernmental Forms

Appendix 11.F – PEP Data Reliability Review

Version Number:  3

Last Revised Date:  July 1, 2015

Last Reviewed Date:  July 1, 2015