11.C Intergovernmental Forms
Appendix 11.C - Intergovernmental Forms
The federal OCSS website (http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/forms/) provides the most recent version of the federally mandated Intergovernmental Forms. Below is a list of the forms and a brief explanation/purpose of each form. Each intergovernmental form can be sent via CSENet to another CSENet state. For a list of the CSENet states, see Appendix 11.E – CSENet States.
Federally Approved Intergovernmental Forms
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
A cover letter required to refer IV-D intergovernmental cases to any Responding State’s central registry, a tribal program, or a central authority. It contains basic case information and space for indicating which services are requested. The form can be used to request administrative or legal action. It does not take the place of the appropriate intergovernmental forms required for a particular action.
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #2 – Subsequent Action
This form is used by both the Initiating and Responding Agencies for requesting or providing information or services in previously-referred cases. It is sent to the local agency rather than the central registry or central authority.
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #3 – Request for Assistance/Discovery
The Transmittal #3 is used by a State working the case locally (e.g. long arm jurisdiction), and the State needs limited assistance from another jurisdiction but does not want to open a IV-D intergovernmental case. The State receiving the request should not open an intergovernmental case; rather, it should only provide the limited assistance requested.
Notice of Determination of Controlling Order
A standard form used to notify all States with an order about a controlling order determination. It is used as a “cover letter” for the actual determination of controlling order.
General Testimony
The General Testimony provides a framework for providing detailed information and evidence necessary to support the requested action.
Locate Data Sheet
This form is used by a IV-D agency to request locate information on the non-custodial parent or custodial parent from another Agency.
Affidavit in Support of Establishing Paternity
The affidavit supplements the Uniform Support Petition to summarize evidence to establish paternity.
Registration Statement
This standard form is completed by the Initiating State to request registration of an existing order for enforcement and/or modification.
Uniform Support Petition
The Uniform Support Petition is a legal pleading needed by the Responding State to initiate the action requested.
Required Documents for Each Service
The following is a general list of the federally mandated forms for each service. Prior to sending the intergovernmental packet to the Responding Agency, the case worker should check the Intergovernmental Referral Guide (IRG) at http://ocse.acf.hhs.gov/ext/irg/sps/selectastate.cfm to determine if the Responding Agency requires certified copies of documents (e.g. payment record) or other documents.
Remember: If a state is a CSENet State as described in Appendix 11.E – CSENet States, a hard copy transmittal is not required – CSENet will provide an electronic transmission of the federally mandated forms; however, in situations where notarization or signatures are required, originals shall be sent to the other state. Only a tribunal may make a binding DCO.
Services and Required Forms:
Quick Locate
Locate data sheet
Redirect Payments
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 - Initial Request
Paternity Establishment
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
Uniform Support Petition
General Testimony
Affidavit in Support of Establishing Paternity
Support Establishment
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
Uniform Support Petition
General Testimony
Proof/documentation paternity is established (e.g. paternity acknowledgment)
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
Registration Statement
Copy of support order1
Copy of payment record
Modification – One Order
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
Registration Statement
Uniform Support Petition
General Testimony
Copy of support order
Copy of payment record
Modification – Multiple Orders
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 – Initial Request
Registration Statement
Uniform Support Petition
General Testimony
Copy of all support orders
Copy of all payment records
1If there are multiple child support orders, copies of all child support orders must be provided along with a request to determine the controlling order.
NOTE: If multiple orders exist, the tribunal in the Responding State shall determine the controlling order as described in Appendix 11.A – Determination of Controlling Order, modify the controlling order, and calculate the child support arrears as explained in Appendix 11.D – Determination of Arrears.
Version Number: 2
Last Revised Date: July 1, 2015
Last Reviewed Date: July 1, 2015