15.1 Introduction
Federal Authority:
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
50 U.S.C. App. §§ 501-596
State Authority:
Policy Number: 15.1
Effective Date: October 1, 2010
This chapter contains the following sections:
Service of Process
IV-D Child Support Program & the Military
When a parent is a member of the military, the IV-D program may face unique challenges when establishing paternity along with child and medical support, enforcing a child support order, and modifying a child support order. In order to meet those challenges, child support professionals should understand some of the military language and acronyms. Appendix 15.A – Military Acronyms provides a list of military acronyms used in conjunction with the Wyoming CSP.
Note: While the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act provides members of the armed services with special protection (See Appendix 15.B – Servicemembers Civil Relief Act), it does not prohibit the establishment of paternity and/or child and medical support or enforcement of an existing child support obligation.
Military Communication
When a case worker cannot reach an alleged father or non-custodial parent, the case worker should contact the commanding officer for assistance. For purposes of child support enforcement, the case worker should contact the lowest level commanding officer. This first-line commander should be able to address any issues raised by the case worker within the commanding officer’s authority which is limited by federal statute, regulation, directive and policy.
Federal Timeframes
In order to ensure the best possible service to the customers within the Wyoming CSP, the federal OCSS established certain minimum timeframes by which actions within the child support program should take place. Cases involving those in the military shall meet the federal timeframes discussed in detail in the following policy manual chapters with the exceptions provided specifically for military service members in this chapter:
Cross Reference
Version Number: 1
Last Revised Date: July 1, 2014
Last Reviewed Date: