18.2 Category

Federal Authority:


State Authority:


Policy Number: 18.2

Effective Date: October 1, 2010


This section lists POSSE generated reports and processes in the following categories:

Each report includes a short description of the report or POSSE process, security group(s) authorized to generate the report, and the source1 of the report. 



Application Fees Received Updated Process – CSE256P1

This process updates the cases included in the Application Fee Transmittal Report – CSE 255P2 to indicate that the fees have been received by the State Disbursement Unit (SDU).  After this process is completed and the cases have been updated, the Application Fee Transmittal Report for that Transmittal ID may not be re-printed.

Security Group:  System Administrator; State Fiscal Administrator; State Fiscal Supervisor

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Application Fee Reversal/Remove Report - CSE255P3

This report is used to reverse or remove application fees from the Application Fee Transmittal Report – CSE 255P2.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Application Fee Transmittal Preparation – CSE255P1

This process assigns a Transmittal ID to new application fees in a District CSP Office since the last time the process ran for that district.  

Security Group:  System Administration; Support Staff; State Fiscal Administrator; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Case Worker; Enforcement Case Worker; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Enforcement District Attorney; Enforcement Case Worker; Enforcement Case Worker Supervisor; Temporary Combination Employer ENF/CDC Case Worker 

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

 Application Fee Transmittal Report – CSE255P2

The Application Fee Transmittal Report – CSE255P2 is a detailed listing of cases and corresponding application fee amounts included in a specific transmittal.  This process/report is automatically requested and run following the Prepare Application Fee Transmittal program – CSE255P1.  The report is sent to the SDU along with the collected application fees.  This process can also be requested to reprint a transmittal for a previously prepared Application Fee Transmittal until the SDU requests and runs the Application Fees Received Updated Process – CSE256P1.

Security Group:  System Administration; Support Staff; State Fiscal Administrator; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Case Worker; Enforcement Case Worker; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Enforcement Case Worker Supervisor; Temporary Combination Employer ENF/CDC Case Worker 

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSE Office.

Preliminary Application Fee Transmittal - CSE254P1

This report lists all the application fees for the District CSE Office that have not been included in an Application Fee Transmittal.  The report enables the case worker to evaluate all of the pending application fees prior to running the Application Fee Transmittal Process (CSE255P1) for the District CSP Office.  Once the CSE255P1 is run, the application fees included in the transmittal cannot be modified by a case worker until they have been received by the State.

Security Group:  System Administration; Support Staff; State Fiscal Administrator; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Case Worker; Enforcement Case Worker; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Enforcement District Attorney; Enforcement Case Worker; Enforcement Case Worker Supervisor; Temporary Combination Employer ENF/CDC Case Worker 

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.


Locate Exception/Rejection Report - CSE899P1

This report lists the locate attempts to be submitted to locate sources that are rejected.  Locate workers receive an action required alert instructing them to run this report when locate attempts fail.  

Security Group:  System Administration; Enforcement Case Worker; Enforcement Case Worker Supervisor; Enforcement Locate Worker; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Case Worker; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; State Central Registry; Enforcement Employer Maintenance Supervisor/Case Worker; Temporary Combination Employer ENF/CDC Case Worker 

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Report of Address/Employers Being Verified – CSE320P1

The Report of Address/Employers Being Verified lists by county and case worker all of the persons in POSSE whose locate status for address or employers is “being verified” or “new” for more than ninety (90) days along with the date added or updated.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  E-mailed to District CSE Office Managers monthly by the appropriate State CSP Office staff person.


IV-D Children Where Paternity has not Been Established– CSE302PA

This paternity report shows all IV-D cases where paternity has not been established.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

Paternity Establishment Method is Adjudicated/Default/Voluntary & State Of Birth is Blank – CSE302P8

This report lists cases where the paternity establishment method is adjudicated, default, or voluntary and the place of birth is blank for a specific date range provided by the POSSE user.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

 Paternity Establishment Method of Adjudicated/Default/Presumed/Voluntary – CSE302P6

This paternity report lists cases where the paternity establishment method of one or more of the child(ren) on the case is either adjudicated, default, presumed or voluntary for a specific time period.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

Paternity Establishment Method of Voluntary with No Place of Birth  – CSE302P7

This server process report provides a list of cases/kids with paternity establishment method of voluntary with no place of birth when paternity was established within the timeframe provided by the POSSE user.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

Paternity Establishment List – CSE334P1

This report is a list of all POSSE cases (IV-D and Non-IV-D) with a function of paternity establishment for each county.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

Report of Children without the Born-out-of-Wedlock Indicator Marked – CSE302P9

This server process provides a report of children where the born-out-of-wedlock indicator is not marked and the paternity establishment method is adjudicated, default, or voluntary.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process. 

Born-out-of-Wedlock (BOOW) Discrepancy Report – CSE302PB

This report lists inconsistencies with the BOOW and establishment method on POSSE.  This report is necessary because currently in POSSE there are many Person records linked to active Case Kid records, on open IV-D cases, where the current Paternity Establishment method, found on the Case Kid record, is not consistent with the current status of the Born-Out-Of-Wedlock (BOOW) flag, found on the Person record.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  E-mailed to District CSE Office Managers monthly by the appropriate State CSP Office staff person.


Expedited Timeframe – CSE551P3

This report shows expedited timeframe data, both 6-month and 12-month performance by county.  District CSP Office Managers can use this report to track the expedited timeframe category of the self-assessment review to ensure the county meets or exceeds the performance standard.

Security Group:  System Administration; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  A District CSP Office Manager can request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report e-mailed directly to the requestor.


Cases for NCPs without an SSN – CSE300PE

This report displays the POSSE case ID, the non-custodial parent’s person ID, the non-custodial parent’s name, and the current POSSE function for all non-custodial parents in POSSE who do not have a social security number for those cases that are IV-D, open, and the non-custodial parent’s name is not “Unknown.”

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process

Cases with no Payments Since Located – CSE706P3

This report gives a list of all non-custodial parents with either a verified physical address or employer and no payment since located.

Security Group:  System Administration; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  A District CSP Office Manager can request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report e-mailed directly to the requestor.

 Kid Care SCHIP – Interface – CSE242P5

This report provides rejected children from the Kid Care CHIP upload to POSSE due to mismatched names with valid social security numbers.

Security Group:  System Administration; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  E-mailed to District CSE Office Managers monthly by the appropriate State CSP Office staff person.

No Payments by NCP in Period – CSE706P2

This server process allows the user to generate a report for cases with arrears or current support orders and no payment for the period selected.  The report also provides the amount of arrears due, the date of the last payment, and the intergovernmental status.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  A District CSP Office Manager can request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report e-mailed directly to the requestor.

Non-Paying Withholding Cases – CSE706P1

This report displays the POSSE case ID, the non-custodial parent’s person ID, the non-custodial parent’s name, and the current POSSE function for all non-custodial parents in POSSE who do not have a social security number for those cases that are IV-D, open, and the non-custodial parent’s name is not “Unknown.”

Security Group:  System Administration; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  E-mailed to District CSE Office Managers monthly by the appropriate State CSP Office staff person as described in Appendix 2.A – State CSP Office Organizational Chart

Wage Withholding by County – CSE782P1

The report provided by this process shows the total wage withholdings generated in each county for a specific time period.  The report also distinguishes between manual wage withholding, packet wage withholding, and auto wage withholding.

Security Group:  System Administration; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  E-mailed to District CSP Office Managers monthly by the appropriate State CSE Office staff person or a District CSP Office Manager can request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report e-mailed directly to the requestor.

Review & Adjustment

AFDC Cases Requiring Review – CSE281P3

This report provides a list of cases where the custodial parent and children are currently receiving TANF and the order is either thirty-five (35) months old or has not been reviewed in the last thirty-five (35) months.  Federal law requires the review of current TANF cases at least every three (3) years for possible adjustment in the child support amount and/or medical support order.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  E-mailed to District CSE Office Managers monthly by the appropriate State CSP Office staff person.


Cases for a FIPS Code – CSE233P1

The Cases for a FIPS Code report provides a list of all cases with the same FIPS code.

Security Group:  System Administration; State Central Registry

Source:  POSSE Server Process. 

Intergovernmental Cases for a County – CSE3A4P1

The Intergovernmental Cases for a County report lists all intergovernmental cases with a case status of current, arrears, or closed and provides the intergovernmental type – initiating or responding.

Security Group:  System Administration; State Fiscal Supervisor; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  A District CSP Office Manager can request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report e-mailed directly to the requestor.


Balance Analysis Listing – CSE755P1

This client process lists balance analysis records by month for a specific case.

Security Group:  System Administration; County Fiscal Supervisor; County Fiscal Case Worker; State Fiscal Supervisor; State Fiscal Case Worker; Enforcement Case Worker; Temporary ENF/CDC Supervisor; Support Staff; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Balance Analysis – Server – CSE251P1

This process creates case balances using the case obligation history, judgments, converted payments, and live POSSE payments.  

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client and Server Processes.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Balance the Books - CDC - CSE632P1

The Balance the Books report tracks a county’s deposits, disbursements, undistributed amounts, and unredeemed disbursements, and produces several detailed reports.  These reports depict figures over both a cumulative (since receipting began) and current period.  

Security Group:  System Administration; County Fiscal Supervisor; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process

Child Support Arrears - CSE768P2

The Child Support Arrears report provides a month-by-month arrears calculation based upon the order amount (e.g. child support, spousal, or cash medical) and the payments made by the non-custodial parent.  Additionally, the report summarizes the total arrears due by category and to whom the arrears are owed.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Child Support Arrears - NCP - CSE768P4

The Child Support Arrears - NCP report provides a month-by-month arrears calculation based upon the order amount (e.g. child support, spousal, or cash medical) and the payments made by the non-custodial parent.  Additionally, the report summarizes the total arrears due by category.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSE Office.

Child Support Arrears - P & I - CSE768P3

The Child Support Arrears report provides a month-by-month arrears calculation based upon the order amount (e.g. child support, spousal, or cash medical) and the payments made by the non-custodial parent.  Additionally, it calculates statutory interest on judgment arrears balances and penalties on non-judgment arrears balances.  Finally, the report summarizes the total arrears due by category and to whom the arrears are owed.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Child Support Arrears Summary – CSE767P1

The Child Support Arrears Summary provides all child support arrears owed by category (e.g. child, spousal, or cash medical, etc.) along with a total and to whom the child support arrears are owed – the state or the custodial parent.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

County POSSE Payments – CSE760P4

This server process creates a report of all of the payments for the county for the selected date range.

Security Group:  System Administration; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

 Held Futures Report – CSE667P2

This report provides a list of those IV-D cases on POSSE with held futures balances.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

Issued Warrants Report - CSE672P1

The Issued Warrants Report lists all warrants issued during a user specified date range.  Each line of this report represents an issued warrant and includes the issued date, warrant amount, check number (manual warrant ID, POSSE warrant number, or WIN warrant ID), payee type, payee ID, warrant ID, original warrant ID, warrant status, and redemption status.  If the check number is represented by a manual warrant ID, the report will display “M” adjacent to the check number.  The original warrant ID is displayed for warrants that were created by voiding and re-issuing an existing warrant from the warrant maintenance screen.

The total amount and number of warrants listed, issued, reissued, escheated, voided, and unredeemed for the specified date range are provided at the end of the report.

Security Group:  System Administration; County Fiscal Supervisor; State Fiscal Supervisor; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Issued Warrants Report by Warrant Number - CSE672P2

The Issued Warrants by Warrant Number Report lists all warrants issued for a county by Clerk of District Court check number.  Since warrants are sequenced by check number, in a manner similar to most bank statements of account, the report produced should better allow the Clerk of District Court to reconcile what has been redeemed or unredeemed.  The parameters for this report allow the user to specify a Clerk of District Court check number range to be printed, select unredeemed warrants only, select redeemed warrants only or print only warrants that have been last updated within a user specified date range.

Security Group:  System Administration; County Fiscal Supervisor; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

 NSFs by Date - CSE611P1

The NSFs by Date Report lists all payments for a specified county that have been backed out with NSF Reversal (CSE625P2) over a specified date range.  If no date range is entered, all non-sufficient funds (NSF) backed out payments for a county will be displayed.  This report will provide the SDU and CDC with a way to keep track of all NSF payments that occurred during a specified time period and view progress made on collecting these funds.

Security Group:  System Administration; County Fiscal Supervisor; State Fiscal Administrator; State Fiscal Supervisor; State Fiscal Case Worker; County Fiscal Supervisor; County Fiscal Case Worker; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

Overcollect Report – CSE667P1

This server process creates a report with all of the IV-D cases with an overcollect balance attached to the case.

Security Group:  System Administration

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

Payment Record for a Specified Obligation - CSE760P2

The Payment Record for a Specified Obligation lists all of the payments made by a person in descending effective date order for a specified Support Obligation ID.  

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Person Payment Record - CSE760P1

This report shows all of the payments made by a person in descending effective date order (backed out payments are excluded from this report). This process is a client process and allows county sites to print a report for a specified person on demand.  Users have the option of specifying a begin date, or limiting payments listed to a specific Support Obligation ID.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSE Office.

Single Payment Distribution – CSE622P1

This client process allows the POSSE user to distribute a single payment on POSSE according to the federal distribution rules.

Security Group:  System Administration; County Fiscal Supervisor; State Fiscal Supervisor; Temporary CSA To Disburse Futures; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSE Office.

State's Arrears - CSE764P1

The State’s Arrears Report is a transaction-by-transaction account of changes to a custodial parent’s Unreimbursed Public Assistance Balance (URPA).  It shows each grant, payment distribution, and adjustment that either increased this balance or reduced this balance through assistance recovery.  A summary page shows this Unreimbursed Public Assistance Balance in context with the combined assigned child and spousal support arrears balances to determine the amount actually "due to the State."  Assigned cash medical and Title XIX arrears are not included in this comparative computation.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

State's Arrears Summary - CSE763P1

This process provides a report with a summarized breakdown of the arrears (e.g. child, spousal, cash medical, and TXIX) owed to the State of Wyoming.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Support Order Removal – CSE660P1

This process removes a support order which has already been processed by the fiscal month end process.  It removes all references and backs-out all transactions, warrants, etc. related to the order.

Security Group:  System Administrator; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Support Order Verification – CSE 766P1

This client process provides a report of all support orders attached to the case with the children involved, the frequency of the order, the type of order, the begin date of the obligation, and the amount of child support, spousal support, and/or cash medical.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Case Management

Case Activity Report – CSE270P1

This report lists the case activity log notes associated with the case.

Security Group:  All

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Case Assessment – One Case – CSE282P2

This process updates a case with the latest information (e.g. closure, fiscal, etc.) added to the case without waiting for the nightly processing run.

Security Group:  System Administrator; State Fiscal Supervisor; State Central Registry; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Case Worker; Enforcement District Attorney

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

 Case Listing by Worker - CSE263P1

This report lists all ‘OPEN’ IV-D cases assigned to a worker in alphabetical order by NCP last name.

Security Group:  System Administrator; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  E-mailed to District CSP Office Managers monthly by the appropriate State CSP Office staff person.

Cases Pending Closure by County – CSE360P5

A report of all cases pending closure by county with the date the case is scheduled to close.

Security Group:  System Administrator; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor

Source:  POSSE Server Process.

Cases with Invalid Closure Reasons – CSE282P8

This process produces a report for all cases by case worker and county where a closure reason is entered on POSSE; however, the closure reason is either inappropriate or the case worker needs to meet all of the steps within POSSE to ensure the case closes.

Security Group:  System Administrator; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  E-mailed to District CSP Office Managers monthly by the appropriate State CSP Office staff person.

Missed Alerts for Worker/County – CSE3C0P1

The Missed Alerts for Worker/County report shows missed alerts for a single case worker or for all case workers assigned to a county.

Security Group:  System Administrator

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Non-IV-D Cases by County – CSE360P4

A list of Non-IV-D cases by county.

Security Group:  System Administrator; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Server Process.  A District CSP Office Manager can request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report e-mailed directly to the requestor.

Worker Statistics by County – CSE292P2

This statistical report by county during a timeframe entered by the user provides information on support due, collections, caseload, intergovernmental, alerts, document generation, and order information. 

Security Group:  System Administrator; Enforcement Case Work Supervisor; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Worker Statistics by CSA – CSE292P3

This statistical report by district during a timeframe entered by the user provides information on support due, collections, caseload, intergovernmental, alerts, document generation, and order information. 

Security Group:  System Administrator; Enforcement Case Work Supervisor; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Worker Statistics by User – CSE292P4

This statistical report by case worker during a timeframe entered by the user provides information on support due, collections, caseload, intergovernmental, alerts, document generation, and order information. 

Security Group:  System Administrator; Enforcement Case Work Supervisor; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

 Worker Statistics by Supervisor – CSE292P1

This statistical report by supervisor during a timeframe entered by the user provides information on support due, collections, caseload, intergovernmental, alerts, document generation, and order information. 

Security Group:  System Administrator; Enforcement Case Work Supervisor; Temporary Combination ENF/CDC Supervisor; Help Desk Personnel

Source:  POSSE Client Process.  A POSSE user with the appropriate security permissions may request this report via the POSSE Process Request Maintenance and have the report generated and printed in the local District CSP Office.

Cross Reference



1A client process allows the POSSE User to request, generate, and print the report in the POSSE User’s office.  A server process is initiated by saving the process request and runs within two minutes or at night depending upon the process.  The report generated by the server process is generally e-mailed to the POSSE User who requested the report.  For both the client and server processes, the POSSE User’s ability to run or request a report it based upon his/her POSSE security permissions.

Version Number: 1

Last Revised Date: July 1, 2014

Last Reviewed Date: