8.2.5 Paternity - Disestablishment

Federal Authority


State Authority

Wyo. Stat. § 14-2-823 - Binding effect of determination of parentage

Policy Number: 8.2.5

Effective Date:  October 1, 2010


Paternity disestablishment is a recent phenomenon and inspires quite a bit of debate.  Due to recent improvements in genetic testing that allow the accurate identification of a biological father, some presumed and adjudicated fathers have attempted to overcome presumptions or previous determinations of paternity by using genetic test results.

Effective July 1, 2005, Wyoming statutes allow for a disestablishment procedure under certain limited circumstances.  Some of the major factors of the disestablishment statute include:


IV-D participation in the disestablishment process is limited to facilitating genetic testing and requires the same steps as discussed in 8.2.3 Genetic Testing for private attorneys or advocating for the position and interests of the IV-D program.  

Specifically, the District Child Support Program (CSP) Office will schedule genetic testing for private attorneys involved in disestablishment actions as long as the attorneys:

Cross Reference


Version Number:  2

Last Revised Date  April 29, 2020

Last Reviewed Date: April 29, 2020