16.2 Inter-Jurisdictional Issues
Federal Authority:
Code of Federal Regulations
45 CFR 309 Tribal Child Support Enforcement (IV-D) Program
State Authority:
JPID Number: 2008-01
Policy Number: 16.2
Effective Date: October 1, 2010
The State CSP Office and the Northern Arapaho Child Support Program (NACSP) together wrote a joint policy document in 2008 to cover case jurisdiction issues between the state and the tribe. The Eastern Shoshone Child Support Program (ESCSP) also shares in this joint policy on jurisdiction. The joint policy is meant to communicate the sovereignty of the tribes and their cooperation with the state. The joint policy is based on the best interest of tribal children. Jurisdictional issues should be handled the same way with the NACSP and the ESCSP.
Note: Policies developed between the state and the NACSP are used also by the ESCSP.
Appendix 16.A – Inter-Jurisdictional Determinations provides guidance for case workers in the Wyoming CSP, NACSP, and ESCSP. For a summary of the policy outlined in Appendix 16.A, please see Appendix 16.B – Matrix.
Cross Reference
Version Number: 1
Last Revised Date: July 1, 2014
Last Reviewed Date: